Hi Everyone! I am so excited to be hosting the first SewHappyGeek Linky Party! If all goes well, we'll be hosting a linky party every Monday. I don't have any crafty friends nearby, so you guys are all I have when I want to see what others are creating! Make sure you grab a button from the left <------ If you don't have a blog or etsy store, you can also add your picture to the BRAND NEW
SewHappyGeek flickr group!
Before I start the linky party, I should let you know the rules:
- you can link to a blog post, a photo, your etsy shop, whatever! This is your chance to shine!
- please don't link anything illegal or non-craft related
- it would be really lovely of you to visit 2 other links
- the link will be open til Feb 11, Midnight GMT
- I'll be featuring the 'best-of' the links on Great Finds Friday!
Yay! Let's get started!
This week, I'll be linking to these parties:
What a great idea! I've not heard of this before but think it's fantastic. Will be regularly checking back to see who else I can link to. x