
13 April 2011

I won the Liebster Award - and I'm passing the torch

If you haven't already done so, please go vote for me at Lamb Around! And a great big THANK YOU to those of you who have!!!

Jenny from Buttons, Ribbons and Other Things is one of my best bloggy friends ever! She is always so supportive and I always check in on her blog to see what she's been up to. She's really good at gardening, which I find fascinating as I am cursed with a black thumb. She's expecting her first baby, and the same day I bought the fleece I'm making her baby blanket with, I saw that she'd given me this award - isn't that weird? Someday we're going to drive up to Scotland for a holiday, and I really hope I can meet her for reals then. :)

Ok, as I understand it, the Liebster Blog award is meant to be for blogs with less than 300 followers, to give us a bit of exposure without any clothing being removed. If a person chooses to accept the award they must link back to the person who awarded it to them, then choose 3 blogs to pass the torch to. Those 3 blogs should have less than 300 followers.
Oh, it's really hard to choose - I am such a total blog junkie and there are so many! But, deep breath, here goes:
Thanks for being so awesome, Rissa, Marie and Kiera! I always, always read your posts, even when I skip over most of the other that must mean I really dig your style, baby!

© J C Excell, 2011


  1. Hey Jen, you deserve the award as I love reading your blog so much! If you ever come up to Scotland you will have to come by and visit (if you can tear yourself away from all the other lovely things to visit up here!). Off to visit the blogs you gave the award to! Have a great day! :) x

  2. Well done with the award! That's awesome! :-)

  3. Congratulations on receiving the award!! And thank you so much for bestowing it on me -- so sweet! I really do enjoy our bloggy conversations. Maybe one day we, too, will meet! :-)

  4. I just posted about this! Thanks! :-)


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