
14 April 2011

Cathedral Windows {links and planning}

You might recall that Buzz and I are off to the British Juggling Convention in Nottingham this weekend. I have some Phillipa Turnbull Crewel Embroidery to take with me. (BTW, I went to a 2 day workshop of Phillipa's, and it was AWESOME!! And her kits are THE BEST you can buy on this planet.)
But I am afraid I will get bored doing one embroidery all weekend, so yesterday I thought: 'Why not do a Cathedral Windows pillow, and then I can switch back and forth?'
I used Angela's Cathedral Windows tutorial from Moda Bake Shop and got to town making 9 white squares.
Then I made an egregious choice in 'window' fabric, and spend the evening ripping all the stitches out. Sigh.
But today I went to Green Hill Quilt Shop in Romsey (Did you know David Cameron is in Romsey today? I waited for 10 minutes to see him but got bored. He sucks.) and picked up these:
So now all I have to do before we go is put the marbled blue windows in and cut the prints into smaller squares to add them as I go.
Since I'll be opening the windows by hand and not machine, I looked around for other Cathedral Windows tutorials. Here are some really good ones:

I'll share what I've accomplished after the convention (If I even accomplish anything at all!).

© J C Excell, 2011


  1. Thanks for these links - I've never attempted cathedral windows before, so they're bookmarked for a 'rainy' day! :-)

  2. I just checked the links out as I didn't know what cathedral windows were. They look fantastic! Looking forward to seeing the end result. And the embroidery too of course! Have fun at the juggling convention! :) x

  3. Just checked out the Moda link. Thanks for sharing. Looks scary....think I can do it??

  4. how adventurous you are! and I love the white and blues together, so crisp. Good luck and can't to see the progress on this one.

  5. I love the fabric choices! Beautiful! Cathedral windows are gorgeous but WAY OVER my skill level... I can't wait to see what you create! :)


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