
18 March 2011

Feature Friday!

Spontaneous Threads made this sweet cosmetic bag as a thank you gift - lucky recipient!

Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom  shares how she makes these stunning Ukranian decorated eggs. When you read it, and get to the bottom, your jaw will drop in amazement - I swear it's that cool.
Jenevieve of Buttons, Ribbons and Other Things made this little cloth nappy for the little one she's carrying right now, and she's got links to the tutorial she used.
I think you just can't help going 'Awwww' when you see a tiny cloth nappy, right?
Inspiring Creativeness made this sweet little table runner with very inexpensive cloth, but it looks fab!
Jamie of Green Eggs and Hamm added some really cute patches to her jeans - if I have a nice butt I'd be very tempted to do it just for decoration...


  1. Jenna - Thank you so much for the feature! Wow, I'm humbled to be chosen, especially with the company (other features) you chosen! The eggs are AWESOME!! I love your blog!!! Have a great weekend! Thank you! Thank you!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

  2. Wow! Thanks so much for featuring my Ukrainian egg! You totally made my morning!


  3. Thank you for including my nappy! I love the Ukranian egg, it looks amazing! I looked at the tutorial before and amazed! :) x


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