
04 March 2011

Feature Friday and an Apology

The Bad News: So, after being asked to do a swap on, I was looking around the site for information (this being my first time, since I am a whoopdwhoop virgin - lol), I came across the following:
Currently whoopdwhoop is available for those that live in the U.S. and Canada. 
I am going to try to rein in my irritation. But some of it might escape, so don't say you weren't warned. And before you go dismissing me as a whiny foreigner, I'd like to remind you that I am American and lived there for the first 26 years of my life. So I kinda know what I'm talking about.
My first draft of this post had a rant about the insularity of American companies, but honestly, do you really care how irritated I am by that? I doubt it. Someday I will do a review of the Hollister store that recently popped up in the local mall. I hate that stupid shop. For oh so many reasons. You're probably not interested in that either, but maybe it will be cathartic for me. Because now, every time I walk past it, I get the temptation to go buy some vodka at M&S, skip happily back to Hollister and use their own bullshit clothing to make some Molotov cocktails. I'd like to get past that urge someday.
And it has nothing to do with whoopdwhoop.
Anyway, back to the apology: I'm really sorry. I didn't do enough research before I passed on the link, and that was very foolish of me. I really should know better by now, but maybe that's the human condition - I know instinctively to avoid a tiger, but more complicated shit than that is beyond my mammal instincts. Probably that's a bullshit excuse too, but I am really sorry and embarrassed nonetheless.

The Good News: Manic Monday was fantastic this week!!! Check this brilliance out:
Danina Creations' Girly Wall Mural
Third Floor Design Studio's Chevron Painting Tutorial
Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom Amazing 50 states quilt! The story behind this is crazy!
Anne's Antics Beautiful Girls Ruffly Dress
Educator's Soliloquy's Inspirational Picture Card Tutorial
And, before I introduce you to this last, crazy-amazing make, let me remind you that my living room has about 25 Master Replica Light Sabres on display, along with my personal Carrie Fisher shrine, which explains why everyone in my house squealed with delight when we saw this:

Musing of a Glamourpuss's Millenium Falcon cake!!
Took her FIVE boxes of cake mix and like 10 hours! Whoa! I bet even Harrison Ford would mumble congratulations about it. If he's not too stoned.
If you were featured, grab a button! And get busy over the weekend so I can see what everyone's up to next Manic Monday! (you guys are an amazing source of inspiration)


Again, I am really sorry, everyone.


  1. Never mind, hopefully whoopdwhoop or something similar will be introduced across here sometime soon! That mural is gorgeous and I'm very impressed with the effort put into the Millenium Falcon cake! Iw oudln't want to eat it after all that work, it's more like art than food! Hope you've had a good day! :) x

  2. Hi Jenna. Thank you so much for featuring my dress. You made my day!

  3. Jenna-
    I am so sorry that you had time and readers invested in whoopdwhoop only to find out that it's only available in the US and Canada. You are not alone in your frustration- we have had many people want to participate only to find out it's not available. We are working on trying to expand whoopdwhoop to other countries. Right now we are just trying to figure out all the logistics in shipping costs and making sure that the sending party is aware of what they will be before agreeing to ship. There are a few ways this can be done and we are exploring them all.
    Once again, I am so sorry at the time readership you had invested. Whoopdwhoop is missing out on your gorgeous offerings.
    Mckay Harris

  4. Thank you so much for including my cake! It made my day!! :)


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