
03 March 2011

Better Late Than Never Monthly Makes

I know it's a bit late, but I'm shite at deadlines - and in my defense, February is the shortest month! (Isn't that what Charlie Sheen was counting on with the whole 'one month rehab at home' thing?)
So even though it's a bit late, here are my monthly makes:
Love Book and Tutorial

Cosmetic Bag and Tutorial
Bag I sold in the etsy shop
 Ok, that's all I have time for today - have to go get a blood test so I can start my Roaccutane! Yay!


  1. Love all your makes! Tried to comment on your last post, but it didn't let me for some reason! Never heard of whoopdwhoop before, but seems like a good concept! :) x

  2. I really love that London fabric - your makes are brill, not suprised you had sales!!!


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