
21 February 2011

Sheepishly takin the week off

I'm sorry everyone. I thought I would be able to keep Savi entertained *and* do this week's blog posts, but I don't think I can do both. The thing about having a tween is that she's old and clever enough to plan each day full of activities... Today was shopping, tomorrow we'll be painting crockery, and so on.

And really, I like hanging out with her, so I've decided to go with the Savi flow this week. So I'll talk to you all in a week!

Sorry about the crappy picture. This HTC desire is a nice phone, but the camera sucks! the Yum pic is a Savi creation. Say: free picture app!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenna, hope you've been having a fabulous week with Savi, shopping and painting crockery sounds like lots of fun! :) x


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