
18 February 2011

I won an Abi Monroe Art Doll!!! {Feature Friday, too}

Today's post is both a mini-happy-freak-out and a Feature Friday. Today's feature is the totally awesome Abi Monroe, who makes art dolls like this:

Ok, one of the first people who was really supportive when I first started blogging was Abi Monroe, whose lovely art dolls are the most heartbreakingly beautiful dolls I've ever seen. Seriously.
Just go see her flickr pictures.  I'll wait for you to go.
Ok, back now? See what I mean?
And she's super sweet, donating dolls to charity all the time, and she also participated in the One World One Heart event, which I meant to do but didn't have time.
Plus, Savi's been after me for months to buy her one of Abi's dolls, and I was sorta poking little bits of money aside to maybe surprise her later in the year. So you can imagine how TOTALLY THRILLED I was when I got Abi's message that I had won!:
I do feel a bit cheeky that she's paying to ship it too, but I'm hopeful I can at least send her a small thank you gift in return. So I'm off to play with fabric now!


  1. Congratulations! It's gorgeous! No wnder your so pleased you won! :) x

  2. I just received google alert about this! how funny. And thank you :O) You are too kind with words, and I am thrilled she's going to live with you guys! I had totally forgotton you were wanting to buy a doll... bingo!!! you don't have to now, all thanks to Wendy and the random number generator!!
    Hope you have a great weekend.


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