
07 April 2011

Let's debate: Batting/wadding - and a HUGE thank you!

First, I want to thank all of you who were so supportive yesterday. I spent the day with a faucet nose, wiping it so often I now look like Rudolph's fat, weird sister. I am so buying nice tissues today.
After so many lovely comments, I feel a bit better about the quilt. I couldn't be bothered to piece the back, so it's a solid ivory. Nice juxtaposition, right? I've decided to do random line quilting and maybe stitch in the ditch, playing up the quilt's spiky angles.
I basted it too, using all cotton batting. It's the first time I've used all cotton, and WOW that stuff is awesome! Basting was so easy I was done in a half hour, and quilting it is so easy!

So that leads me to my question:
What batting do you use? If you use polyester or a blend, how do you get it to behave? I have a really hard time with it, especially polyester. Has anyone used bamboo or recycled bottles or soy? What is it like?
Why do you choose what you use? Cost? The environment? Puffiness or non-puffiness? Ease?
I'm tempted to try a wacky one like soy or bottles, but I'm a bit scared too.

P.S. I'm writing this while at Lymington hospital waiting for the dermatologist to see me. So no pictures, sorry!
Copyright J C Excell, 2011

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  1. I use warm and natural, or warm and white if I suspect that the warm and natural will show through on any of the fabrics I've used.

    I've always used these - through and inital recommendation - and have had no reason to experiment with others!

    I am just a beginner with free motion quilting but have had no batting related problems that I know of. Just 'user error' on my part!

  2. I've used polyester in the past, but am noq using warm and natural with the quilt I'm working on. I don't think I'll ever go back to polyester. The cotton batting is so much easier to work with and baste and quilt. Glad you're doing better.....:)

  3. Sorry you weren't feeling so great yesterday, hope that today you're feeling much better and that the hospital appointment goes ok. I've never made a quilt before so can't comment on the batting/wadding, but I like the sound of the recycled bottles! Could you get a sample to play with if you're unsure? :) x

  4. I use poly in bags and purses, but use Warm and Natural/warm and white in my quilts. I like the feel of the finished product better.

  5. Warm and natural always, except for the stunning (if I do say so myself) quilt I made for my daughter (Queen size) in which I used bamboo. I love the bamboo (but not the $$$$). They make a bamboo/cotton mix that's less $$ so I might try that next.

  6. I have used Hobbs Heirloom 80/20. 80% cotton and 20% polyester, but after reading the second post today about all cotton Warm and White, I will give it a try. I also like Quilters Dream Select, for machine quilting, and Quilters Dream Request for handquilting. I must really be out of the loop, never heard of recycled bottles for batting.


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