
16 March 2011

WTF? Wednesday - and a plea for advice

Before I get to today's very funny pics, I need some help/advice. Buzz is a very talented juggler, and actually juggling was kinda how we met. He didn't go to the British Juggling Convention (BJC) last year and so, with Savi off in the States in April, he and I decided to go together.
Problem: I don't juggle. At all.
Problem: Most of the places we'll be spending our days in will not have seating of any kind.
Problem: I'm going to take a bunch of Phillipa Turnbull Crewel Embroidery to do over the weekend, but I don't fancy sitting on a concrete floor for 3 days.

I ask you: What do I do? Do I bring a pillow? Are there small, portable, comfortable seats I can buy that aren't obnoxious? I've never done this before, and I don't think our crappy camping chairs are gonna do the job, mostly because they're too big to carry comfortably. And they're crappy.
So, if you have a suggestion or a link I'd be grateful. Just leave a comment or email me: 

Thank you! And now, on with the show:

Now, I know you guys spend a lot of mental energy wondering about royal souvenirs. I know I do. I don't actually have any that depict anyone who wouldn't be a 400 year old zombie if they were still around, but I find I am drawn to cheesy, overpriced and frankly tasteless royal souvenirs. Just one glimpse of them in a shop and I'm over there like a shot.
Why do I do this? Am I hoping manufacturers will read my mind and make some cool stuff with, say, Elizabeth I, or Charles II? And I'm not even sure what I mean by cool stuff. Toasters? Bicycle helmets? Towels?
But it doesn't really matter if I want a royal toaster or not, because the only items that are on offer are truly, truly fantastic, funny, and awful all at the same time.

Isn't this wonderful? Wouldn't you like one to display in your kitchen or dining room, so that every time your partner comes in for a meal you can remind him/her of his total inadequacy? "Yes, darling, you're wonderful and all, but you're not exactly the next King of England, are you? Hmmm?"
Or there's this one:
I quite like the sentiments of this one, though I am still puzzled as to who would actually display this in their home. Or where.
But you don't have to buy large things - there are smaller items too.
I'm quite proud of this picture, actually. It's a shame it's a picture of bullshit claptrap, right? I'm sorry, did I just say those were claptrap? I meant: Look at this beautiful selection of amazingly designed mugs celebrating the wedding of William and Kate.  Now you too can drink your tea in a royal mug, filled with happy memories of their gorgeous wedding.
And you might need some of these too:
Royal Wedding playing cards? You mean, I can play cards and be reminded of how shit my life is in comparison to these two well-bred, over-privileged, beautiful freaks at the same time? Wow, count me in!!!
And last, but not least:

Holy crap, I can't decide whether it's horrifying or hilarious. I'll let you judge for yourself.

If you want any of these lovely souvenirs, we found them at John Lewis and Waterstone's.

P.S. I now have 87 Google Friend followers, and 15 Networked Blogs. Some of those are me, so that I can moniter what my blog looks like in different formats (does anyone else do that?)
So do I add those together and have a 100 follower giveaway now? Or do I wait till I have 100 GFF? I have some really nice stuff to give away - bags and stuff.


  1. I would probably just take a pillow, or a couple, most of the camping seats aren't that comfy in my opinion. Looking forward to seeing the embroidery you finish!
    Can't say I'm that into this royal wedding thing, we don't get an extra holiday either (my boss is stingy so we only get the minimum days holidays and no bank holidays etc. :( )
    The giveaway is totally up to you, you can have it whenever you want it! :) x

  2. Jenna - I ssooo love "It should have been me". I love the sense of humor!!! I remember my (then) mother-in-law to be took the day off when Charles & Diana were married. She stayed home and watched it all on tv. Since she's retired now, she won't have to take off work, but I know she'll be watching Will & Kate's wedding!

    Have a great weekend!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz


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