
11 February 2011

Feature Friday: Linky Party Results

Hi Everyone!
2 whole hours ago, all I wanted to do was get my free audiobook from's freebie and sign up to get one audiobook per month for £8. They're like £14 on iTunes. I'm hooked on them right now; I listen while I sew and pretend I'm smart, getting reading and sewing done simultaneously.
Unfortunately both computers in my home are being a HUGE pain in the ass, so this is going to be short and sweet...
On the happier side of life, I got some superduper goodies today!
From BigFish's etsy shop!
There were only four entries in the Linky Party, leading me to wonder (now that linky parties aren't free) if I should hold off on paying for an account. Hmm, just haven't decided yet. But I really do love checking out other people's blogs and projects!
Angi from Living in Creative Bliss made this really cute menu board that puts my little magnetic one to total shame!

The Fluff Pot is a cute little Folksy shop offering some really lovely handmade jewelry!

Rissa of Hazel and Honeysuckle embroidered this seriously lovely decorative piece which is available in her Made It! shop!

And, last but definitely  not least, Suzy of Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom make this seriously cool faux inlay table:

So, you four need to grab this button that I totally slaved over for a half hour figuring out the HTML for:

SewHappyGeek @ excellcrafts

Ok, now I'm going to throw computers (and any other electrical thing that pisses me off) out the window as if my house was being besieged by Sir Walter Manny.


  1. Hi Jenna!

    Thanks so much for the feature!! I will be taking your button that you slaved over and display it on my page. Don't you just love html? Ha!


  2. I thought the linky party was a great idea and had a good look at the others. I'm grabbing that button now to put on my blog! Many thanks. x

  3. @Becky J Awww, thanks! I really can't decide, and I may just postpone it for a couple of weeks then pay for the service.

  4. Hi Jenna, sorry I missed so many of your posts this week! The linky party is a great idea, sorry I missed it this time! Off to visit the items in the party! :) x


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