
29 April 2011

Feature Friday - plus a bit of mug rug love!

Welcome to Feature Friday! I wanted to give a little bloggy love to a couple of very lovely ladies who participated in the Mug Rug Swap:
Carla from 1/2 Dozen Daily sent this mug rug to Kelly at Blue Bird Sews - isn't it cute?

And this is the mug rug that Kelly sent to Carla - love those flowers!!

And wow, it was so hard to pick a few to feature! I really recommend going back and having a look at all the beautiful things all you guys linked up!
Sherezada not only has a really awesome name, but she made these outrageously awesome Star Wars Easter eggs - and you know how much the Geek family loves Star Wars! (No? I haven't told you about that? Well, I'll take some pictures and show you next week!)
Elizabeth of Don't Call Me Betsy! finished her Supernova quilt from Freshly Pieced's QAL - it makes me want to make a pillow out of one of those blocks!
Karen from Sew Much 2 Luv made this little tuck-in holder for your sewing bits and bobs - so cute!
And Dawn from Creative Cain Cabin posted a tutorial for this tote bag she made - it's very well explained! Well done, Dawn!
Finally, Sew Ray Me posted about this Artist's wrap she made for her son - she pretty much designed the whole thing, and I think it's perfectly reasonable for us to beg, beg, beg, for a tutorial! :)

If you would like a featured button, grab one here!



  1. Thanks so much for including me in with these other talented crafters!

  2. Thanks for showing off my mug rug! :) I had a blast & can't wait till your next swap! Love the other creations you showcased! So much talent!! :) I saw those star wars eggs & thought they were the coolest things! lol!!

    And not to be fussy or anything, but it's Carla, not Ruth. ;) Not that Ruth isn't a lovely name and all that... lol!

  3. Thanks for putting the mug rug swap together, Carla and I had a blast - you paired me up with a great partner!

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my little Star Wars Easter eggs! Now I'm curious about "Mug Rugs." Perhaps a good project for a novice sewer such as myself?


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