
14 March 2011

Manic Monday Linky Party #4 {and yummy fabrics!}

I've been bitten by the quilt bug. I am totally addicted. And the rebel in me doesn't like following someone else's instructions - I want to write my own! So I've decided to write and shoot a quilt pattern/tutorial that I can sell as a pdf on etsy. There are a million up there already, but I bet I learn a lot by doing it, and who knows? Maybe people will like it enough to buy it?
My sister Rema loves green, so I'm using a green-ish palate. Here are the five fabrics Savi and I chose at John Lewis the other day:

Then I came home and added some from my stash, to see how it all looked together:
Not so good, eh? Too many different shades of green and it starts to look like vomit (says me). So Saturday afternoon, before we went to meet our friend Sarah for dinner and watch her sing in the Southampton Philharmonic Choir (you should see the pics on the site - really funny!), we went to another fabric store, where I settled on this:

What do you think? I hope she likes it - does it all match/coordinate? I'm making a kind of strip quilt with different widths of the strips. Advice and comments welcome!

And now, on to the Linky Party!:
1. You can link to anything you've made - tutorial, blog post, etsy, flickr, whatever.
2. If you are linking to your blog, please link to your specific post, not your home page.
3. It would be awfully lovely of you to visit a neighbour or two and leave nice comments!
4. You are welcome to grab a button to post on your own blog!

Sew Happy Geek



  1. That fabric selection is gorgeous! I like how you used a mix of colours and patterns. I'm sure your sister will love it! Will be back later today to add my nappy blog post to your linky party! Have a great day! :) x

  2. Tried to link up but I couldn't get a picture from my blog....will try again later. In the meantime, if you have time come on over to and consider becoming a just picked up a new one!!


  3. Just found your blog and am now following. I love your name - it's my daughters! Will link up a project today. Come visit if you get a chance!


Yay, I LOVE comments!
Thank you so much for stopping by - I appreciate it so much! I read them all and respond to everything if I can!
P.S. if your Blogger email setting is 'do not publish' I can only respond to you here, so check back!