
25 March 2011

Feature Friday!

Before the features, let me say: Thank you, everyone who left such encouraging comments on Wednesday's post. I feel a lot better knowing how supportive you guys are, and you really gave me much-needed confidence.
Also, have you noticed we're up to 100 followers via Google Friend?! You know what that means, right? Hello: Giveaway!
So make sure you come back Monday for Manic Monday Linky Party and the Fiv-away (follower giveaway). I have some awesome stuff to give out!
And I don't know how many of you read yesterday's Dear Mum post, but it was basically an apology for her present being late. Well, my lovely, beautiful, smart-ass sister Serena left this comment:
"Well at least mom will know that you took after her! She never gets her projects done in time!" 

Get on with it, Jen! 
Ok, sorry! So here are the features - and thank you so much to those who linked up!
Lillian Pearl Designs shows how to make a wall organiser - it's really a great tutorial; lots of thought went into making it easily understandable. Plus it looks freakin cool.
Educator's Soliloquy shows how she spruced up her home and made a book handbag - aren't these TV trays cute?
Kelly of Blue Bird Sews shows off her Sexy Hexy quilt - and there's a giveaway on the same post for vintage fat quarters, so get over there!
Musings of a Glamourpuss shows how to dye coconut for you Easter enthusiasts out there!
And of course, I couldn't forget Suzy's amazing doodle frame! Oh how I wish I could doodle like that!

Thank you all for participating in the party! And if you like, you can grab a button:


P.S. You can still sign up for the Mug Rug Swap! We are gonna have a blast!


  1. Found your blog today through Saphy's Progress and wanted to say hi! love your blog and the pink coconut!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. oh my, a first feature! Aren't you sweet! Thanks for the plug :) Big smiles over here!!!!

  3. Thank you so much for the feature! That gives me encouragement to keep crafting even when I think "This is crap and I have no time!" (I get cranky sometimes.) You're lovely! :-)

  4. Thanks so much for the feature! Much appreciated!! <3


Yay, I LOVE comments!
Thank you so much for stopping by - I appreciate it so much! I read them all and respond to everything if I can!
P.S. if your Blogger email setting is 'do not publish' I can only respond to you here, so check back!