
28 February 2011

Manic Monday Linky Party! [and did you notice the name change?]

Good News Everyone!
Back from my week off, super charged and brimming with ideas! I'm bringing back the weekly Linky Party, which you'll find at the bottom of the post, along with the rules.

But in other news: if you're reading this in a reader, I doubt it looks any different, but if you are visiting the page directly you might have noticed that 'Excell Crafts' is gone from everything, including the domain name.  The blog is now officially  I changed it Saturday night, without really thinking it through (like what do I do with the business cards with the old address on them?). When I discovered I could simply change the name but everything else would remain, like followers and stuff, I was like Yay! Now all my shit will match! (etsy, blog, etc.).  But then I spent Sunday sorting out the links and stuff so they should work.  If they don't, please let me know!  And new buttons are up as well, so grab one!

Speaking of blog buttons, I have a small complaint.  I've noticed there seems to be no standard width/height for blog buttons.  This is usually fine, like who cares if it's 125 px or 150px, but lately I've been noticing REALLY HUGE ones.  I don't mind advertising someone's blog or link party if I really like what they offer, I mean, I ask them to do it too, but when the damn button is so big that it interferes with MY blog posts, what am I supposed to do? I hate putting them at the bottom, but putting them at the top would just be weird, and where the hell else will it fit? What do you guys do? Maybe I should do a whole page of link buttons and not worry about it?

Ulnar nerve entrapment: OUCH. Both arms. So painful it makes me squirm. Can't find good advice online. Don't want surgery. So I'm asking you guys for help: Does this bother anyone else too? How do you deal with it? What seems to help?

Anyway, enough begging and bitching from me. Here's the linky party and rules:

1. Whatever you want to promote is ok, as long as you made it and it's family friendly. Etsy shop, blog, etc.
2. Visit at least one other linky buddy and leave comment.
3. I'll feature the coolest ones on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. De-lurking to say, if you put the size you'd rather the button was into the code, it will be that size. Clear as mud, right? Okay, let's use the one you posted in this post. Its img src code is:

    img src=""

    If you wanted it to be 125 wide instead of 150 wide, you would put "width="125" after the .jpg" bit. Like this:

    img src="" width="125"

    Don't forget the less than/greater signs in front and at the back of the codes. The comments section wouldn't accept the codes with those there.

    Hope that helps. :o)


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Thank you so much for stopping by - I appreciate it so much! I read them all and respond to everything if I can!
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